(author unknown)
The reason a high protein diet "could" cause bone loss is due to calcium deficiency. Most dietary protein is derived from meat, and meat is high in phosphorus. Calcium and phosphorus are needed together in the diet, but more importantly than the amounts needed, is the ratio 10:4 respectively. An imbalance either way will produce a deficency of whichever one is less than the proper amount.
Here is an article that explains it:
Calcium and phosphorous must be in a certain balance in the body. Doctors Page and Hawkins, both dentists, wrote books on the subject and after a lot of investigation, they agreed that the normal blood ratio is four parts phosphorous to ten parts calcium. That's what we strive for. Suppose this ratio is disturbed, three parts phosphorous to ten parts calcium. There's not enough phosphorous to hold the calcium in solution and the extra calcium starts precipitating out of the body fluids. If it precipitates into your kidneys, it forms kidney stones. If onto your teeth, it is called tartar if it's in your bones, its called arthritis. Also cataracts if it deposits in the eyes. All of these things are symptoms of phosphorous deficiency. We need the phosphorous product that does not contain calcium, so we can raise the phosphorous level if it's low. That's Phosfood.
Let's look at the other side of the picture. Suppose the ratio is four parts phosphorous to nine parts calcium, that's a calcium deficiency. This would lead to erosion of the teeth, etc. Looking at it from the dentist's standpoint, this is the systemic cause of dental caries: high phosphorous, low calcium. This does not mean that we have too much phosphorous. It just means we don't have enough calcium to buckle the phosphorous. Sometimes, looking at animals gives you a clue about people. For example, take pigs fattened on grain. Grain is high in phosphorous. When pigs are young -- usually about six months old -- their teeth start to erode away because they are getting too much phosphorous and too little potassium and calcium.
We have complete products like Calcifood Powder. This is calcium and phosphorous as provided by nature. It's made out of bone, so if you want to build bone, this is what you use. For building bones and teeth, Calcifood Powder is ideal, calcium and phosphorous in the correct proportion. But if you want to correct a phosphorous or a calcium deficiency, you can't do it with Calcifood Powder because it has both calcium and phosphorous.
For the person with a phosphorous deficiency and osteoarthritis, kidney stones or tartar on the teeth, use Phosfood. On the other hand, if he has a calcium deficiency and starts getting dental caries and his bones start to deteriorate -- the rheumatoid type of arthritis -- he needs Calcium Lactate. When you have the calcium and phosphorous levels back into balance then you can start to build with Calcifood Powder. So that's how you use Calcium Lactate and Phosfood.
In a calcium deficiency, people get infections easily, also colds. That's why a handful of Calcium Lactate tablets will often prevent a cold from really taking hold If the cold persists, it might be that you need C as well, or that you are too alkaline.
Phosphorous is important in the energy cycle. I will give you an example. The soil around Wisconsin is high in calcium, low in phosphorous. We get phosphate rock from the South and put it into the soil to balance the calcium that's already present. The cattle raised in Wisconsin are big, easy going, and relaxed. They eat grass all the time. They are getting the alkaline ash minerals, lots of potassium and calcium. Down in Kentucky, where there are high phosphorous and low calcium levels in the soil, breeders raise not contented cattle but racehorses, nervous, jumpy race horses. They have high phosphorous levels and they are loaded with energy.
But they are nervous. They can't relax. Well, this is what you want in a racehorse. Breeders did not know why, but they found they could raise nervous, jumpy horses in Kentucky. If they brought that same horse up to Wisconsin, he would quiet down. He wouldn't be much of a racehorse. So that's the effect of calcium and phosphorous levels in animals. The same thing applies to people. If people are nervous and jumpy they need calcium. If they have no energy, just fatigued and worn-out all the time, lack of phosphorous could be the cause.