Aging and Immortality
Institute for Human Development, Life Course and Aging
Institute for Human Development, Life Course and Aging at the University of Toronto says it has a mandate to carry out research into the process of human development, life course and aging, population aging, and the aged, in the social, psychological and health sciences. Includes academic papers in PDF format.
A site that says it allows researchers to find information that is related to the study of the aging process. Large archive of abstracts of papers on the aging process.
A site that says it is dedicated to making anti-aging information available to the layperson. It is run by a group called the Anti-Aging Foundation.
A site that says it is the world’s largest organization dedicated To scientific methods to slow and reverse aging. The Foundation says it’s long-range goal is the radical extension of the healthy human lifespan. In seeking to control aging, their objective is develop methods to enable us to live in health, youth and vigor for unlimited periods of time.
Home page for the U.S. government National Institute on Aging, part of the National Institutes of Health system.
Life Expectancy Calculator (Not Found)
A highly simplified calculator, based on actuarial tables, that says it can predict how long (on the average) you will live.
Geron is a biotechnology company focused on human aging. It says its mission is to develop novel therapeutics for the many manifestations of aging through breakthroughs in the basic genetic mechanism of cell aging and immortalization.
Ben Bova
Home page for writer Ben Bova, author of Immortality. Immortality, Inc. A personal website with information on aging and immortality.
The Longevity Institute says it is a network of doctors utilizes the emerging technologies of genetic engineering, biotechnology and molecular biology to combat the aging process.
A humourous look at the quest for immortality from Onion News Archive, a satirical e-zine.